Tag Archives: Quick tips

Quick Tip of the Day

July 16, 2015

Hurricane Awareness: Storm surge is not for surfers

Storm surge is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the predicted astronomical tides. Whenever there is a hurricane or coastal storm, people are drawn to large waves crashing on the shore. These waves are incredibly powerful and are dangerous to those who are near the ocean. Stay well away, and keep children and pets away, from that seductive surf.


Quick Tip of the Day

July 15, 2015
Hurricane Awareness: Is your home at risk?

Know whether your home or dwelling is subject to flooding. Check with your insurance agent on your coverage; standard homeowner’s and renter’s insurance does not cover floods. Check for coverage of wind or fallen tree damage as well.


It's good to be in the club!

Quick Tip of the Day

July 14, 2015
New England Hurricane Awareness

Preparing for severe weather before it happens can take some of the stress out. The items you will need to have on hand to feel secure are more likely to be available well in advance of when disaster threatens. When the sun is shining is when the wise prepare. 

Best Buy Co, Inc.

Wildfire Preparedness – Quick Tip


Quick Tip of the Day

July 12, 2015
Practice your evacuation route
So you know where you are going to go if you have to evacuate your home. Practice driving there, by several different routes. Keep a marked map and directions in all your cars. When you’re under stress, it’s hard to remember even things you know perfectly well, like the alternate route to Grandma’s house.


Quick Tip of the Day

July 11, 2015
Life. Unplugged. Ready for three days without power?
A summer storm or hurricane could disrupt power for several days, especially in rural Maine. What would you need if you had to camp out in your home for three days? Don’t forget the portable radio in your disaster supply kit to keep up with official news (and the Red Sox, of course).


Quick Tip of the Day

July 10, 2015
Always put campfires out

Put out your campfire when going to sleep or leaving the campsite. To make sure you extinguish it completely, cover it with dirt or pour water over i

Medical Supply Depot

Quick Tip of the Day

July 9, 2015
Are we having a heat wave?
An “official” heat wave is three days with temperatures in the 90s. Whether or not we make it official, it can get too darned hot even in Maine. Make sure you drink plenty of water, especially if you experiencing a headache or muscle cramps, early signs of dehydration. Avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol.


Quick Tip of the Day

July 8, 2015
It’s hot! Make sure your pets are not.
Make sure your pets have a safe, cool area to relax in on hot days, with plenty of water available. NEVER leave your pet in a parked car, even for a few minutes, even with the windows cracked. Temperatures in a car can reach fatal levels for pets (and children) within minutes.

Emergency Essentials/BePrepared

Quick Tip of the Day

July 7, 2015
Check on your neighbors during hot weather

Excessive heat can be tough on anyone, but especially on those who may have health challenges. Visit with a neighbor you think might be having a tough time and share a friendly glass of ice water

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